Legal terms


This disclaimer regulates the use of the website , which is owned by MAQINA360, S.L.

Browsing the website confers the condition of USER of the site and implies full acceptance without reservations of each and every one of the conditions included in this Disclaimer, which may be subject to modifications without prior notice from MAQINA360, S.L., in which case said modifications shall be published and announced with as much prior notice as possible.

Therefore, you are advised to read the content of this Disclaimer carefully if you wish to access and make use of the information and services offered by this website.

The user undertakes to make appropriate use of the website in accordance with the law, good faith, public order, traffic uses and this Disclaimer. The user will answer to THE WEBSITE OWNER or to third-parties regarding any harm or damages that breaking this obligation may cause.

Any use other than that which is authorised is expressly prohibited, and MAQINA360, S.L. may withdraw access to or deny use of the website at any time.


MAQINA360, S.L., in accordance with Law 34/2002 of 11 July on the services of the information society and electronic commerce, informs you that:


If you wish to contact us, please feel free to do so through the contact method listed below:

All notifications and communications between the users and MAQINA360 will be considered effective for all intents and purposes when conducted through any of the means listed above.


The website and its information are free and open access. However, MAQINA360 may demand the formalisation of the corresponding contract for the provision of licensed services prior to permitting the use of some of the services offered on its website.

The user guarantees that all the data that they provide to MAQINA360 is authentic and current, and said user will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements that they may provide.

The user expressly commits to making appropriate use of the content and services of MAQINA360 and to not using them to, among others:

  1. Disseminate any content that is criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive in nature, advocates terrorism or, in general, contravenes the law or public order.
  2. Introduce computer viruses onto the network or carry out actions that are liable to alter, spoil, interrupt or generate errors or damage in the electronic documents, data or physical and logical systems of MAQINA360 or third parties; or cause an impediment to the access of the website and its services by other users by means of massive consumption of the computer resources through which MAQINA360 provides its services.
  3. Attempt to gain access to the e-mail accounts of other users or to restricted areas of the computer systems of MAQINA360 or of third parties and, if applicable, extract information.
  4. Infringe upon the rights of intellectual or industrial property or violate the confidentiality of the information of MAQINA360 or of third parties.
  5. Impersonate another user.
  6. Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or publicly communicate, transform, or modify the contents unless the user has the approval of the rights-holder or said actions are legally permitted.
  7. Gather data for advertising purposes or for sending publicity of any kind and communications for the purpose of selling or other commercial intentions without previously requesting it or having prior consent.

All content of the website such as texts, photographs, graphs, images, icons, technology, software, as well as its graphic design and source code, constitute a work owned by MAQINA360 and no exploitation rights for any of said content is understood as assigned to the user, beyond what is strictly necessary for the appropriate use of the website.

To summarise, users accessing this website can view the content and, if applicable, make authorised private copies as long as the elements reproduced are not then provided to third parties or installed on servers connected to networks, or made the object of any kind of exploitation.

Likewise, all trademarks, commercial names and distinctive symbols of any kind that appear on the website are owned by MAQINA360 without the use or access of them by the user conferring any kind of right related to them.

Any distribution, modification, cession or public communication of the content and any other action that has not been expressly authorised by the holder of the exploitation rights is forbidden.

The existence of hyperlinks does in no way imply the existence of a relationship between MAQINA360 and the owner of the website where said link is directed, nor the acceptance or approval by MAQINA360 of said website’s contents or services.

MAQINA360 is not responsible for the use that each user makes of the materials made available on this website or for any actions that may be carried out through their use.


The content of this website is of a general nature and is intended for informative purposes only. Full access to all content and its completeness, correctness, validity or suitability, or fitness for specific objectives are not guaranteed.

MAQINA360 rejects, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any liability with regard to harm of any nature caused by:

  1. The inability to access the website or the lack of veracity, accuracy, completeness and/or currency of the content, as well as any faults or defects of any kind in the content transmitted, distributed, stored or made available which has been accessed through the website or the services offered.
  2. The presence of a virus or other elements in the content that may cause alterations to the computer systems, electronic documents or data of the users.
  3. The infringement of the law, good faith, public order, traffic uses and this disclaimer as a result of incorrect use of this website. Specifically, and as an example, MAQINA360 is not responsible for any actions of third parties which damage intellectual and industrial property, corporate secrets, the right to honour, personal and family privacy and image, as well as the regulations related to unfaithful competition and illicit advertising.

Likewise, MAQINA360 rejects all liabilities related to information hosted outside of this website that is not managed by our own webmaster directly. The purpose of the links included on this website is only to inform the user about the existence of other sources that may expand upon the content offered on this website. MAQINA360 does not guarantee and is not liable for the functioning or accessibility of the linked sites; nor does it suggest, invite or recommend visiting them, and therefore will not be liable for the results that occur. MAQINA360 is not liable for the establishment of hyperlinks by third parties.


In the event that a user or a third party considers that facts or circumstances exist that reveal the illicit nature of the use of any content and/or the execution of any activity on the websites included or accessible through the website, they must send notification to MAQINA360 by duly identifying themselves and specifying the alleged infractions.


The administrative information provided through this website does not supplant the legal publicity of the laws, general provisions and records that must be formally published in the official bulletins of the public administrations, which are the only instrument that certifies their authenticity and content. The information available on this website must be understood as a guideline without the intent to be legally valid.

Interested persons have the right to access their personal data and to request the modification of inaccurate data or, if they wish, to request the deletion of said data when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were originally collected.

In certain circumstances, the interested parties may request that the processing of their data be limited, when this is the case we will only store said data for the purposes of conducting or defending ourselves against claims. Moreover, in the cases established by law, you will have the right to transfer your personal data.

In some specific circumstances and due to reasons related to their specific situation, said interested persons may oppose the processing of their data. In this case, MAQINA360, S.L. will stop the processing of their data, except in the presence of compelling legitimate grounds, or for the purpose of conducting or defending against potential claims.

You may exercise your rights in the following ways:

By sending an email to

If you have given your consent for any specific purposes, you have the right to withdraw said consent at any point, without this affecting the legality of the processing that was based on the consent given prior to its withdrawal.